About Our Church

Who We Are

We are a church that believes a person is saved by Grace alone, through Faith alone in Christ alone with the only authority for life and faith being Scripture alone.

You will see very ordinary people arriving as families and individuals. Our congregation is not a huge church so you won’t feel overwhelmed.

We have the same joys and hang ups as anyone else and yet we are special because we gather as God’s family, his children. As Martin Luther liked to say we are: “sinners yet saints”, strugglers and imperfect but God loves us anyway.

At church

Our worship is very simple; you won’t see any unfamiliar religious practices or liturgy except that we sing and pray and listen. We are relaxed and get together like a family with parents and kids and so on.

We have a service each Sunday with a measured approach to worship for the expressed purpose of honouring and glorifying God in and through our worship, singing a spectrum of music from Psalms and hymns to current contemporary songs.

What we do

The focus for our time together is on the teaching from the Bible. Not a dreary monologue but a listening to God in such a way we see the wonder of God, the magnificence of his love and grace, being enthused to a live a life of joy and thankfulness.

The Bible teaching, like all our activities, is aimed at helping us live closer to God, getting to know him and his will for our lives, helping us as adults to mature as Christians, helping us raise our children to follow Jesus.

We want very much to support one another in thae hard times and share our joys in the good times.